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ABS 5KM Chicken Run 2016 - Saturday 23 July


Registration for #ABSChickenRun is now open! For the second year running, Pollard Thomas Edwards is organising the annual ABS 5km Chicken Run. Come and join us on Saturday 23 July 2016 for a 5km race from Tate Modern to Pollard Thomas Edwards’ (PTE) offices in Islington. This is a great way for individuals, friends and family to raise funds for Architects Benevolent Society. The Society (ABS) helps members of the architectural profession of all ages, and their families, who have experienced illness, accident, redundancy, unemployment, bereavement or other difficulties. Last year was an overwhelming success which saw 150 runners made up of individuals and teams from architectural practices all over the UK. They all helped raise over £4,000 towards the ongoing work of the Society. This year we are looking to make it even bigger, with more runners and more money being raised. After the race PTE will host a celebration including prize giving by special guests, food, drink and music. If you would like to take part, you can enter as an individual or as a team of 6. If you’re not a runner, we’ll need plenty of help on the day so if you can spare an hour to be a steward please let me know. For more information about the event and to book your place, please visit the website