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An Introduction to Cohousing - Ideas and People - Wed 25 March

Pollard Thomas Edwards and UK Cohousing Network invite you to an evening event to hear from professionals in relevant disciplines with experience of cohousing, and to meet other interested individuals who are new to cohousing from your part of town. After questions the presenters will be available to talk to, as will representatives of established cohousing groups. The four corners of the room – representing NW, NE, SW and SE London – will be set up with drinks and nibbles to encourage prospective cohousers from each area to get chatting. As the title suggests, this event is not intended for members of established groups. If you are new to cohousing and would like to come, please email with a brief note of your interest and which area of London you are primarily looking at. Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis for each geographic area. If there is enough interest we will look at a future event or events. We look forward to seeing you.