CABE backs London Olympic Legacy Scheme Chobham Farm
A London Legacy Development Corporation planning committee last week recommended approval for Chobham Farm, a new family neighbourhood designed for East Thames and London and Continental Railways by Pollard Thomas Edwards. PTE were first appointed in 2008 by the East Thames Group to prepare an outline masterplan in support of their detailed application for a site on Leyton Road. The design has evolved over the years in consultation with LB Newham, the Olympic Delivery Authority (now the LLDC), GLA and CABE. Chobham Farm is located to the east of the Olympic Village between Leyton Road and Westfield Stratford City. It is one of the important areas highlighted for redevelopment in the London Borough of Newham’s Stratford Metropolitan Masterplan, with the potential to integrate the existing communities of Stratford New Town with new post-Olympic neighbourhoods. A hybrid planning application for 1036 homes, and up 8000m sq of commercial and community space, was unanimously approved. The first phase of 173 homes and 1162m sq of commercial space, which received detailed consent, is due to start on site in January 2014.