Chelmsford City Park West and One Woolwich finalists in the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2015
Chelmsford City Park West and One Woolwich finalists in the RTPI Awards for Planning Excellence 2015 - Excellence in Planning to Deliver Housing.
The RTPI represents 23,000 planning professionals worldwide and promotes spatial planning, shapes policy and raises professional standards. The Awards for Planning Excellence have been run by the RTPI for over 30 years to recognise planning excellence.
Janet Askew, President of the Royal Town Planning Institute said:
“The shortlist reflects the very best planning projects, strategies and processes that are helping to make great places for people to live and work. The 80 finalists highlight exceptional examples of planning that have made an impact and brought considerable benefits. It will be a tremendous challenge picking individual category winners from such a high quality field.”
Projects on the shortlist have been recognised for their national contribution to planning and demonstrate how significant schemes can be delivered speedily through the planning and other consents systems.