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Dennis Gilbert


Somehow Dennis Gilbert’s physique perfectly matched his profession, personality, and character. Tall, elegant, thoughtful, charming, caring, meticulous and extremely talented - and such a lovely man.

I first met Dennis some 30 years ago, when he came to photograph a project. At his insistence we met before 6am, as that was “when the light would be best”.

He arrived with a broom and spent some time setting up the perfect scene, sweeping away bits of unwanted foreground detritus. He would notice every detail; good and bad.

I had thought that is what every photographer did – but soon learnt otherwise. And that is why we kept going back to him. At PTE we are lucky enough to have over 300 of his expertly crafted photographs.

I recently learnt of his latest illness and was prompted to write to him, to thank him for sharing his talent and skills which we have captured in those now even more precious images.

He was stoic to the very end. He and we knew that he was dying – so how to sign off that letter? I said, “Dennis Gilbert we love you”.

Teresa Borsuk