homeworks - Exhibition at the NLA Galleries - November
NLA Galleries, The Building Centre, 26 Store Street, London WC1E 7BT
3 November - 29 November 2017
This exhibition shows how you could get involved in the design of your home and neighbourhood and enjoy genuine choice about how you live.
Public discourse voices people’s frustration about lack of influence over our domestic environment, and expresses a yearning for something more than generic products. Even well-intentioned initiatives to raise design quality (for example the London Housing Design Guide, specialist build-to-rent homes and a renewed drive towards off-site fabrication) can have the unintended effect of narrowing the range of what is on offer.
We look at three case studies by Pollard Thomas Edwards showing how consumers of housing can enjoy real influence over some very topical areas of demand:
Community-led estate regeneration: how a twelve-year collaborative process has transformed a ‘problem estate’ into a connected urban neighbourhood
Cohousing for our ageing population: how a determined group of older women have joined forces to shape their own futures
Custom-build family houses: how buyers can create their own homes from one million options