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Open City - Architecture in Schools

PTE were happy to welcome Year 5 from Laycock Primary School to our offices as part of our ongoing involvement with Open City’s Architecture in Schools Primary programme. They were able to explore many different parts of Diespeker Wharf, discovering the history of the building. During the day they had a go at drawing plans and sections, measuring the basement and guessing which materials were from the original building and which were new. The session was the beginning of the annual Open City Primary Schools competition, which the kids are taking part in. The competition asks them to design urban homes for birds, bees and bugs, and so the session we carried out was both an introduction to architecture, and aimed at giving them a basic ‘toolkit’ of skills that they will hopefully go on to use in their competition entries. Open City - Architecture in Schools Architecture and the built environment is something that has an impact on all our daily lives but it is the one thing we generally don’t learn about through formal education. Engaging young people directly with their built environment and giving them the opportunity to propose their own ideas through creative challenges is an enlightening way to inspire them about the world around them.