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PTE awarded AJ Sustainable Practice of the Year


A generous approach to knowledge-sharing and a host of other initiatives made Pollard Thomas Edwards the clear winner in this category

At Pollard Thomas Edwards (PTE), sustainability is no add-on. Five years ago the practice incorporated its sustainability team into its central knowledge hub, a move that has paid off handsomely. Judges applauded the practice’s success with embedding sustainability across project delivery and deepening expertise across its 80-plus team.

Practice-wide training, complemented by knowledge hub newsletters on nitty-gritty subjects such as daylight factors, U-value calculations and designing-out thermal bridges, is central to the firm’s approach. Eight architects undertake Passivhaus training each year, with close to half the practice’s architects trained to date. Another 10 architects participate in monthly Green Register seminars, hosted at PTE but open to anyone.

With a generous approach to knowledge-sharing, PTE has contributed to an array of best-practice manuals published through CIBSE and the Zero Carbon Hub, notably including associate Tom Dollard’s recently released Designed to Perform (2018) for RIBA Publishing. Judges commended PTE’s engagement with ‘a serious industry problem’.

“The practice’s five-year vision includes detailed post-occupancy evaluation of at least five projects per year”

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