RIBA London Open Studios as part of the London Festival of Architecture

Open Studios is part of the city-wide programme of events in the London Festival of Architecture. The weekend event provided unprecedented access to architects’ studios across London. Based on the theme Work in Progress, each practice offered their own curated programme.
PTE's Open Studio focused on one of our strengths: engagement and collaboration. We:
– showed people what we’ve done in the past
– played with some of our existing tools and techniques
– tested new media to broaden participation using Commonplace.
Commonplace is a web-based platform, dedicated to widening public engagement. Our brief to Commonplace was two-fold:
– use the PTE premises as a way to test the app, engage our staff and collate a brief for exterior and courtyard improvements
– demonstrate the app to the public, focussing on the Regent’s Canal towpath and surrounding area.
Tell us what you do and don’t like about our space (and its surroundings) and be part of a conversation about this special part of London. pte.commonplace.is
We also welcomed #1:1 to Diespeker cargocollective.com/1to1