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Talking point: The fall and rise of council housing


As John Boughton’s excellent book The Rise and Fall of Council Housing makes clear, social and public housing really matters. Boughton shows, for example, that on one London estate built in the postwar era the mean heights and weights of children went from being under the London average to roughly in line with the (higher) national average over the space of about 15 years.

Yes, Boughton tells us, there were problems with how we achieved such outcomes – communities were, for sure, uprooted and often irreparably damaged. And yes, your fellowship with the neighbours did decrease when you were relocated to a spacious Modernist estate from the tenement flat that shares its bathroom with three other families. But then so does your risk of cholera.

Simply put, social, public, council housing - its name changes with the mood of times - is a public good. That’s why we were thrilled to be named Public and Social Housing Architect of the Year at the BD Awards last month: an award that recognises architecture with real agency, with the power to transform lives.