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Tom Dollard - Certified Passivhaus Designer


PTE’s Head of Sustainable Design, Tom Dollard, has completed a series of courses and an exceptionally tough 3hr exam! to become a Certified Passivhaus Designer. Tom now has the experience and necessary qualification to design and deliver passivhaus projects for PTE’s clients. Indeed he is already working on a number of passivhaus projects at planning, and hoping to take some through to construction. If you would like to know more about passivhaus, please contact him or see Passivhaus is the world’s premium low energy performance standard for buildings, which delivers a heating demand that is just a tenth of that of average existing buildings. Passivhaus’ do not look any different from other buildings. However, on account of their clearly defined energy standard, they exhibit a high level of thermal comfort and extremely small energy consumption. Good planning as well as careful execution of the details is essential in the construction of Passivhaus buildings, so that the high requirements for the building envelope and technology can be met.