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Wing masterplan, an urban extension to the east of Cambridge has been approved by the joint planning committee

Pollard Thomas Edwards’ masterplan for an urban extension to the east of Cambridge has been approved by the joint planning committee, subject to negotiating the S106 legal agreements which will secure the required infrastructure improvements and wider community benefits. Wing, a new urban village, will include 1,300 homes, a school, community facilities, workspace and shops. It will combine the best of town and country, with over a third of the site in parks, squares, gardens and woodland. The development covers 160 acres of surplus land owned by long-established Cambridge business, the Marshall Group, which also owns the adjoining airport. The plan also includes new business space for Marshall and integrates opportunities to live and work, to meet the region’s growing demand for housing and jobs. To ensure that Wing will be a positive legacy for the Marshall Group and PTE engaged with local stakeholders from the beginning of the design process. Over 1,000 people attended workshops organised by the design team and The Prince’s Foundation. The masterplan proposes a series of distinctive neighbourhoods, with landscaped streets connecting a series of parks and squares. Housing will range from large family homes to more urban apartments, including 30% affordable homes. A phased development programme establishes the new community heart – school, market square and shops – early in the programme. Marshall Group Chief Executive, Robert Marshall said: “Wing is extremely exciting and it must be beautifully designed as well as a great place to live. For Marshall it will be our back garden and it is essential that it creates a positive legacy of which the Company, local communities and other stakeholders can be justly proud.” Andrew Beharrell, Senior Partner of architects Pollard Thomas Edwards said: “Wing will have all the ingredients of a proper community. It will not be just a dormitory or housing estate. The proposed new homes will be integrated with a significant range of community facilities and local shops, and residents will have ready access to new and existing employment opportunities, not least within the Marshall Group’s own businesses.”