Zero Carbon Hub Services Guide
The Zero Carbon Hub Services Guide, which was written and designed by PTE, was launched at Ecobuild on Tuesday 8th March. Rob Pannell, Managing Director of the Zero Carbon Hub, introduced the new guide as a result of their performance gap and ventilation research showing poor knowledge and standards of building services in homes. He offered his thanks to PTE and Head of sustainability Tom Dollard, who was author of the guide. Tom then explained the contents of the guide, concluding that it “highlighted key issues found with the performance of services, and offered solutions for project teams. I hope the guide will contribute to reducing the performance gap and improve the design and delivery of domestic building services.” The book was the result of a long standing partnership between Pollard Thomas Edwards and the Zero Carbon Hub, and presents research and findings from the ventilation project (2013-2016), and the performance gap study of (2011-2014), assessing the housebuilding process on 27 live construction sites with 300 dwellings. These combined studies highlight significant failings of the housebuilding industry to deliver to minimum standards of part L (energy) and F (ventilation). The Services Guide aims to provide clear guidance for design and project teams to deliver to building regulations and improve performance of new homes. The Services Guide is one of the Zero Carbon Hub’s low energy guides, including SAP untangled, Thermal Bridging guide and the Builders’ Book. The guides will be presented at the Green Register's training sessions through April and May. All the guides are available to download for free on the Zero Carbon Hub Website: