Sustainable design
We embed sustainable design into everything we do, delivering practical energy efficient buildings at scale. We promote a ‘fabric first’ approach to low energy design, minimising reliance on costly or complex technologies, and increasingly our new homes have achieved Passivhaus and net zero carbon standards.
We are currently advising the UK Government on low carbon housing policy and regulations, with Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations and continue to lead industry in the delivery of several largescale net zero development projects. In partnership with the Good Homes Alliance and other industry leaders, we provide regular training in sustainable design for our staff, clients and collaborators.
PTE has an experienced team of environmental designers, retrofit assessors, certified Passivhaus designers and sustainability consultants who provide the following services and assessments: Passivhaus, overheating (CIBSE TM59), BREEAM, daylight /sunlight assessments, post occupancy evaluation (BS 40101), embodied carbon and life-cycle carbon and energy assessments.
Our approach to sustainable design
Environmental design is fundamental to our company vision of creating thriving sustainable places. As part of this aim, we are committed to ensuring that our projects go beyond the minimum performance requirements and are seeking to deliver best practice sustainable outcomes which meet the RIBA 2030 climate challenge and the UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard. We are signatories of “Architects’ Declare”, supporters of ACAN, and board members of the Good Homes Alliance. As such we are committing to strengthen our working practices to create architecture and urbanism that has a more positive and regenerative impact on the world around us.
As architects at the forefront of the climate change agenda, we are supporters of the following organisations and campaigns:
Sustainable design services
In order to ensure that our design proposals consider sustainability from the very start, we provide a wide range of environmental design services in house. Our experienced sustainability team can provide efficient, fast and reliable environmental analysis of our proposals. PTE provide the following services and assessments across all types of projects.
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Sustainability statement for Planning approval. Summary of the energy strategy, M/E outline, overheating, materials (toxicity and embodied carbon), ecology, transport, water, drainage, construction strategy.
Sustainable design strategy and statement (sustainability statements) reports are required for planning submission and outline the key local and national planning requirements that affect a development and how the design addresses those requirements.
RIBA Stages 1-3 - Planning requirement
Energy statements set-out the energy use and carbon savings of a development to meet the local and national requirements. The report highlights the fabric design performance, M&E specification, and low carbon technologies. These reports demonstrate net zero carbon performance. This includes Part L energy calculations, SAP calculations, U-values and Psi-Values.
All councils will have carbon reduction and net zero carbon targets to meet the climate emergency goals. Energy statements are used to demonstrate how the development achieves these targets.
RIBA Stages 2-3 - For planning submission
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We carry out the BREEAM AP (Accredited Professional) service which is a requirement for 3 credits of BREEAM. The BREEAM AP needs to attend stage 1 meetings to advise on the best strategy for the project.
Most, if not all Councils will require BREEAM assessments for non-domestic buildings. London Boroughs require all new projects to target BREEAM Excellent.
RIBA Stages 1-6 – Required at all stages
Passivhaus is the leading international low energy and comfort standard for buildings. Passivhaus has been demonstrated as the foremost method of reducing energy use and carbon emissions from buildings in the UK, as well as providing high standards of comfort and building health.
Certified Passivhaus provides a verified way to reduce heating costs, provide healthy home, improve build quality and building longevity. Achieving Passivhaus certification is an important method for eliminating the performance gap.
RIBA Stage 1-5 - Commitment to Passivhaus should be part of design brief
Use modelling software to calculate average daylight factor (ADF) and Visible Sky Component (VSC), Annual Sunshine Hours and Amenity Sunlight to provide design information and report for planning.
Providing early-stage testing is important to highlight any potential concerns with the design when changes can be made with minimal effort. A full sunlight and daylight assessment will be required for planning inline with the BRE Site Layout Planning for Daylight and Sunlight guidance.
RIBA Stage 2 - Preliminary testing important
RIBA Stage 3 - Required for planning
Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) is the process of obtaining feedback on a building’s performance in use after it has been built and occupied. POE collects information on building and energy use and user satisfaction. PTE can lead an internal or external review of the project at RIBA stage 6 and 7. Our team can distribute and collate resident questionnaires and provide invaluable feedback for clients.
POE provide an important feedback loop for designers, facilities managers and clients. It should form part of the brief at RIBA stage 1, to allow an assessment of previously completed projects. POE allows occupiers/users to provide feedback on how their homes/spaces are operating and report any issues that need to be addressed.
RIBA stages 6-7 – We recommend including POE in the brief at RIBA stage 1
If you would like to know more about PTE's sustainable design expertise or services, please download our guide or get in touch with Tom Dollard, partner - sustainability and innovation