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The True Measure of Social Value

Social Value is more than ticking boxes or quantifying services in a spreadsheet. It must create genuine change - embedding social, environmental, and economic benefits into every project to transform lives and communities. At its core, Social Value should shape the homes we design, the neighbourhoods we build, and the way we operate as a practice.

Our approach begins with a deep commitment to engagement. We craft tailored Social Value strategies for each project, ensuring benefits flow to the communities we serve. From career talks and work experience placements to workshops for small enterprises and voluntary organisations, we aim to empower people and create lasting opportunities. Our strategies adapt to align with the goals of our clients and stakeholders, ensuring meaningful outcomes for all involved.

But this commitment doesn’t stop with external projects. Internally, we strive to create safe, inclusive, and supportive workplaces that prioritise personal growth and professional development. We know that real change begins with empowered, well-supported people.

Initiatives like our Happy Homes Project dig deeper into Social Value by exploring how well-designed homes impact well-being, community, and health. By collaborating with residents and industry advisors, we’re building a Social Value Toolkit to track and amplify these outcomes - turning data into a force for good.

Employment and mentoring

Every year, we welcome students from GCSE, A-level, college, and early university for work experience at our offices. They get hands-on training with software, an introduction to how architecture works, and a chance to try out their skills with a mini-design project. We’re especially keen to hear from young people from all kinds of backgrounds and continue to mentor those interested in architecture, helping with university applications and career plans.

We also visit schools to run design sessions and give careers talks. On top of that, we take part in initiatives like Open House, Open City, and work with local charities supporting young people. As part of Future of London’s leadership programmes, we provide mentors and host events at our offices to support the next generation of urban leaders.


We try to make sure our work with communities has a real, lasting impact. We run interactive workshops where residents can learn to interpret drawings, understand models, and explore 3D software - skills they can use well after the project ends. We also share knowledge on topics like sustainability, biodiversity, and solar shading. If people have specific questions - say, about planning processes or housing density - we tailor sessions to what they want to know.

When we’re working with communities long-term, we train and pay local residents as engagement champions. It’s a great way to equip them with lifelong skills while improving how we work together.

Sponsorship and funding

Right now, we’re supporting Crisis in their mission to end homelessness for good. Locally, we help charities through donations, volunteering, and schemes like the Angel Community Canal Boat, which runs educational trips for children.

Our support isn’t limited to local groups - we’re happy to help international charities and community initiatives when we can.

Climate change commitment

We’ve signed up to the Mayor of London’s Business Climate Challenge and the Southwark Climate Collective, and we’re working hard to hit net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Each year, we take a close look at our environmental impact and find ways to improve - whether that’s cutting down on waste, ditching single-use plastics, or encouraging staff to travel more sustainably.

Events and collaborations

Our office is a great spot for events, and we’re proud to share it with charities, community groups, and collaborators in the industry. Diespeker Wharf, where we’re based, is a creative space shared with professionals in media, branding, and landscape design - perfect for sparking fresh ideas and partnerships.

Financial resilience

We work to create opportunities that help people find jobs and support local businesses. We make sure everyone in our supply chain is paid at least the Living Wage and always on time. It’s all about fairness and strengthening the communities we’re part of.

If you would like to know more about PTE's social value, please get in touch with Sarah Eastham, partner - engagement

Who we are/Social Value
Who we are/Social Value